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Corona crisis research 19-4-2020

WHO en RIVM negeren nieuwste bevindingen met enorme gevolgen - 9643
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Through Peil.nl I raised a number of questions in relation to the Corona crisis, including the questions of what to do with the exit strategy, how likely participants feel they are going to get corona and how hard it is for their industry to adjust to social distancing.

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Corona crisis research 19-4-2020

In the Peil.nl research with questions in relation to the Corona crisis, a number of issues were (again) raised, including the question of what to do with the exit strategy. Three weeks ago, 55% felt that exit measures should wait until the virus was (virtually) gone. 42% thought that we could also start with exit measures, even if there was still a chance of being infected; 3% wanted to stop the lockdown immediately.

These figures are gradually changing. Meanwhile, 55% (+13) want exit measures to start, even if there is still a chance of being infected, 6% (+2) want to stop immediately and 35% (-15) want to maintain the lockdown until the virus is (almost) gone.

This graph shows the results of the last few weeks by gender and age. We now see that within the group of 65+, 49% is in favor of a lockdown, while there is still a chance of being infected. That was 28% three weeks ago.

Gender and age

On the question of what chance one gives oneself to be infected, we also see an interesting development. Over time we see that percentage decrease. Whereas three weeks ago the percentage that gave itself a chance of more than 50% was 33%, now it is 22%. 6% indicates that they think they are (or have been) infected themselves.

We also asked if they know anyone infected with the Corona virus. That’s rising gradually.

We also tried to establish a relationship between places visited in the last 6 weeks and contamination in one’s own family and in the network of relationships.

Finally, workers were asked how easily the company/organisation where they work can adapt to the 1.5-metre society, as announced by Minister Wiebes. 28% of the workers indicate that it is not possible and 17% only with substantial adjustments, which will clearly have consequences.

The graph below shows these results, compared to the sector in which people work.

Corona crisis research 19-4-2020.

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