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Blog Maurice: all articles of Maurice

Major questions surrounding the 2 South African flights
COVID-19, Latest news | 02 december 2021
Other COVID-19 news items

How to explain the transmission patterns of Covid-19
Aerosols, Ventilation | 11 oktober 2021

Strong evidence effect ventilation on spread of Covid-19 in nursing home
Aerosolen, Media, Ventilatie | 05 augustus 2020

When will the government come to its senses?
Aerosolen | 27 juli 2020

The aerosol deniers
Aerosolen | 25 juli 2020

The carpenters of the WHO
Aerosolen | 19 juli 2020

About aerosols, masks and RIVM
Aerosolen, Ventilatie | 18 juli 2020

Prevent contamination and live as normal as possible
Aerosolen, Ventilatie | 13 juli 2020

Covid-19 has the flu
Ventilatie | 10 juli 2020

Checklist Covid-19
Aerosolen | 29 juni 2020

DeltaPlan Ventilation
Aerosolen, Ventilatie | 24 juni 2020