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Relevant COVID-19 data per country

Zo gaat de verspreiding van het COVID-19 virus - 9785
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Relevant COVID-19 data per country Based on the data of the EDCD I made calculations per country. I am particularly interested in the figures per inhabitant, in order to discover regional trends. First the table and then the three world maps with the three relevant figures. It is important to realise: Per country there is […]

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Relevant COVID-19 data per country

Based on the data of the EDCD I made calculations per country. I am particularly interested in the figures per inhabitant, in order to discover regional trends.

First the table and then the three world maps with the three relevant figures.

It is important to realise:

  1. Per country there is a different approach to determining the number of infected persons and there is also uncertainty whether each dead person is classified correctly.
  2. The percentage of deaths therefore strongly depends on whether one tests a lot or a little. A country with many cases and many tests, such as South Korea, will show a “more accurate” percentage of deaths in relation to the virus.
  3. The figures are per 10 million inhabitants to make comparability possible.
  4. In the affected countries it is easy to recognise that there are also large differences per region. We have made special maps for the US and Italy.

You can choose a country or a group of countries via “filter and search”. You can also sort columns.

The article you have just read: Relevant COVID-19 data per country.

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